Monday, May 31, 2010

A feast for the palate

Leaving home, even for a few days, reinforces my love for it.  I also see some things in a new light.  I returned home yesterday and was anxious to see what had happened in my gardens in my absence.  There were a few surprises.

First of all, my tomato plants have exploded and I can look forward to a half dozen or more tomatoes in the next week...hopefully more in the weeks to come.

When I turned back toward the house, I was very surprised to see how much my lettuce patch had grown (see photo below).  I picked a bagful which we will enjoy for both lunch and dinner.

The lettuce was an afterthought, suggested by my husband, and I picked up a few plants at Lowe's.  The lettuce was "spring" lettuce so when the growth was slow last month, I thought spring was over for them.  Surprise!  My favorite sandwich is a BLT, and eating one with homegrown tomatoes and lettuce makes it doubly pleasurable.

My package of lilies arrived while I was gone and I will be back in the gardens on Wednesday to prepare the bed and plant them.

More later...

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