Thursday, May 6, 2010

No croaking here

Little by little, my front yard has become home to frogs.  Not the real ones but ceramic frogs that welcome visitors and highlight the flowers. Today, my husband raised the level of display with a water fountain that now sits in the middle of the roses.  It's an early Mother's Day gift because he knew I'd been looking in local stores and on the Web.  When I got home after my weekly Zumba class, he said "Let's go to the fountain place (otherwise known as Landscape Depot)."  What a surprise!  And the best part is that the frog fountain had just come in and was sitting in front.  When we got home, I couldn't wait to get it running, and add My Garden frog to the display.

The day I bought My Garden frog several years ago, I also bought the Welcome frog that sits at the end of the walk near the screen door.  

Then sometime after, I found another one that found a resting place inside the screen entry, underneath the hydrangeas. 

Then, a week ago, I was shopping at TJ Maxx and literally bumped into a display of garden staffs with various birds attached.  Looking them over, I discovered frogs!  There are two standing on a swing suspended from a lily pad (below).  How could I pass that by!

I never intended to collect frogs, or even other garden knickknacks, but these have caught my eye and my heart.... so be it!  There is a whimsical side to me that doesn't surface very often.  Mostly in my garden corners.

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