Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Here comes winter

Most of my thoughts about gardening these days concerns what I want to do in the spring.  I'll see how my plants fare over the next few months and what I'll need or want to replace.

After several days of much-needed rain, the grass and plants have greened up and are blooming in a few cases.  No doubt the unusual warm temperatures have been the cause.  My new magnolia (left) has several buds about to open (bottom left and near the top) and the pansies (right) are full of color.

I haven't seen much more of landscaping on my walks to warrant new photos, but other scenes have captured my eye.  Below is a rainbow that seemed to emerge through the cloudy haze above the trees.  It was very ghostly as if not certain if it should appear.

On another walk, I was searching for the hawk and owl that have been frequenting the treetops  but with no luck.  Instead, a mockingbird (left) let me know that all manner of birds are worthy of imagery and posed for quite some time.  I was within six feet and it didn't react at all.
Although there will be no planting for a while, I'll have plenty to do raking the leaves that are now filling the lawns.  At least the weather will be cool for the task.

Happy holidays! 

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