Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Time flies when gardens grow

Our Spring weather in May quickly transitioned to summer as daytime temperatures neared and jumped to 90 degrees.  Happily the humidity has not yet risen to summer heights so our plants are doing well.

The tomato plants have grown fence high and are producing very well.  We have harvested as many as 8 tomatoes at a time, but at least one or two per day.  I love having fresh tomatoes for sandwiches and salads!
Below is one day's harvest. Note the cayenne peppers at left.   The two plants have been prolific so far. 

I am very happy this year with the sky vine I planted on the trellis.  The honeysuckle and clematis vines finally gave up so I thought I would try this vine.  It is growing fast, moving up the posts.  The flowers are a pretty lavender.  The plant is considered an annual in most states but here in our zone (10), it may be survive as a perennial.  Time will tell.

All my new roses are thriving although I don't have any new photos.  And I have been surprised and pleased with the magnolia that has already had four blooms with a few more budding.  I am hoping for more leaf and stem growth this summer.

For the next several months (through August at least), gardening will comprise weeding and watering.  If there are any changes to existing plants, I will try to update this blog.  Meanwhile, happy gardening.


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