Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Surprise in the garden

Supposedly the danger of frost has passed for Central Florida and I am happy to be able to get back to my gardens.  Today I spent pruning the roses although it was somewhat difficult.  They are all showing amazing growth with quite a few new buds.  Those I left for pruning after they bloom.   The surprise I got were the dewdrops edging the leaves like a row of pearls.  Below is a sample.

The pansies in the rose garden have fared well over the winter.  Here is one of my favorites:

Another surprise were the blooms already on the powder puff bushes.  Obviously, the cold snaps didn't affect them.  I did find some damage to the snow-on-the-mountain bushes, but there is also new growth so the pruning should be beneficial. 

I still haven't decided what I'm going to do with the stunted magnolia.  The leaves look healthy and there is some sign of new leaf growth, but only the ends of the few branches. Otherwise, it is just not growing and filling in .  I can't give it more sun in its current site, which is why I'm considering moving it.  I only have a week or two to transplant for optimum results, so I must decide soon.

More later....


  1. Anita,
    Pleasing post. Looking at what has happened with the weather this year accross the country, we should all be growing veggies.

  2. Lovely Pansy, I do not see this color very often.
