Saturday, September 18, 2010

Mother Nature surprises

I love surprises, especially in my gardens. 

When I walked out into my backyard this morning to begin another grass-planting effort, I was enchanted at the view before me.  On the arbor, the honeysuckle was waving its arms beckoning me to watch.  Suddenly I spied red berries on one of the arms!  I hope they attract birds that we can also watch.

The other surprise was on the same arbor.  I've shown here before the clematis that was blooming earlier in the spring.  Well, over the summer the main stem had seemed to die.  A few weeks ago, though, I noticed new growth from the ground.  Today, a beautiful purple flower radiated against the green honeysuckle and the white arbor. 
Alongside it are more buds waiting to open.  I don't know how long the honeysuckle will continue to grow, but it will be delightful to have the mix of purple of yellow
for a few months.

All in all, a beautiful start to my day.

I did plant more grass -- two flats of two dozen plugs -- and dug out more crabgrass.  Then I planted a new red ixora in the back corner.  That spot has confounded me ever since the azalea there died.  That azalea was one of the first plants I put in nearly 30 years ago!  I don't know what ultimately killed it but since other plants I've put there have also died, I'm thinking some kind of poison.  Yet, other plants nearby are growing fine.  I hope the ixora survives.

I want to plant pansies for the fall and winter, but garden centers tell me it's too soon.  Our weather is still too hot.  I'll be checking week to week.

That's it for today. 

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