Thursday, August 19, 2010

Deadly virus sends me out in the early a.m.

I was out in my gardens soon after I woke up this morning to take care of two pressing projects.  The first was to remove a sick rose bush.  I found out a week ago that my multiflora rose in the back garden has rose rosette, a lethal virus that often attacks multifloras.  There is no cure and the best choice is to remove the entire bush.  No other roses are close to it so I probably have saved them.  Now to decide what else I can plant there.  A different type of rose bush is probably safe and that would be my first choice.  Perhaps it will be another Mr. Lincoln, a few of which grace my rose island in the front yard. 

The other project was to "trim" the unwanted invasive vines and other branches encroaching my yard over the fence from the neighbor's yard.  This has been an ongoing battle for years.  The neighbor has a veritable jungle growing in the corner and apparently doesn't care what grows there.  The potato vines and others not only grow over the fence, hanging from the podocarpus lining the fence, but also through it.   The growth in the past 2 months has been rapid and rampant.  I wish I could get into the neighbor's yard to tackle the plants at ground level but that isn't possible.  So all I can do is keep trimming what hangs over the fence line. 

An hour was all I could manage in the heat this morning.  By 8:30 the sun was high enough to feel its presence and I called it a day.  But there will be more as I need to tackle the weeds in the front yard.

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