Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Deja Vu

Best laid plans seems to be my theme song lately.  One of my goals for the yard today was do more digging to find the sprinkler pipe.  I preceded that activity with maintenance of my vegetable garden -- digging out weeds and spraying for bugs.  One of the tomato plants has had its leaves chewed to a lacy pattern.  New leaves not so much.  The other plants have not yet been touched, thank goodness. 

After that I made my way around the back yard, pulling weeds where I saw them -- happily, not too many.  A nice surprise was seeing a flower stalk with buds rising from one agapanthus.  It will probably bloom tomorrow and I'll grab a photo for posting.

When I arrived on the south side of the house -- where the hidden pipes are -- I decided I ought to fill the first holes I dug last week.  Then I decided to rake the ground next to the house and move dirt toward the foundation, trying to create more of a slope away from the house.  I took the time to also dig up more crabgrass.  If we don't get a souce of water to that area, crabgrass may be all that we have growing there. 

After all that -- about 2-1/2 hours' worth -- I realized I had had enough.  So, I was the cause of the plans going awry today.  The next opportunity I'll have for digging will be Friday. 

Don't forget to stop and smell the roses.... I did: a fully opened Mr. Lincoln rose behind the house.  It made my day.

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